Good evening
Here are my contact details that you will prepare this western union check that you will give him in exchange for the car to your home after trial and control You will then prepare this mandate via western union on my behalf to the following address:
Name: .................................. DAUL
First Name: ........................... BEATRICE
Address: ......................... 28 AVENUE PAUL
Postal Code: .................. 00229
City: ........................... SAVE
Country: ........................ BENIN
Name of postal check ....................... MANDATE WESTERN UNION
As I am traveling now I have not yet taken a number of the country then you can directly contact the carrier Mr De BARROS at +33644684906. The carrier speaks French so you can look for someone who speaks French to call him.
Here is enclosed a copy of identity card.
You can contact Mr De BARROS at + 33644684906.Thanks
I send you this email on request from the carrier in relation to the preparation of the payment so that you go to a MoneyGram agency near you or tobacco with 3,000 € tracked my data below and ID cards in The apartment asking you to establish MoneyGram, the factor gives you a card to fill in your details and address the section of the sender or issuer which allows you at any time to cancel the order, if after trying and Test the vehicle asks for problems and you want to withdraw your money at the post such as sale are no longer needed, and contact information at the end or receiving receiver that allows me who is present in a post office with the original receipt from MoneyGram Which will come back before the carrier to withdraw 3000 €, when carried out in the agency that will keep the original certificate given by the postman on arrival of a garage with a vehicle as with MoneyGram, you are going to pay , On my side, I will wait for confirmation that MoneyGram was found, that give the OK to the carrier at the meeting place, so here is my contact information, because I was traveling with my husband:
Name ............................... DEBLAY
First name .......................... Nicole
Addrsse .......................... Rue de l'etoile rouge
Town ............................... COTONOU
Postal code .................... 00229
Country ............................... BENIN
Amount ......................... 2940 €
Fees ................................ € 60 for transfer fees to MoneyGram
Now that the mandate of charge charges are not more expensive than the 60 €, it is me who takes charge of the fee for the transfer, do not tell the postman it is to sell cars, because if we know That it is for sale on the Internet for MoneyGram, it will pay VAT the amount of sales that will be the fee charges will be more expensive for you and me because the costs are at my expense, as soon as you get to Moneygram if The poster asks you the reason for the duration of the mandate to tell him that the mandate of a family member or friend you know so no worries outside you will see that the cost of the cost will still be Cheaper, so thank you to follow Mr. Alfred's instructions 0033788591820 door to the letter, and you are well MoneyGram,
Thank you and good for you Mrs DEBLAY
Bonsoir Mr
Je viens de prendre connaissance de votre demande concernant ma voiture.
1/ Je vous confirme que la voiture est toujours disponible a la vente.
2/ Le prix de vente est bien de 3000 EUR TTC. Je la vends pour cause de non utilisation.
3/ C'est une voiture en très bon état de marche, aucun frais a prévoir.
4/ Elle est dans un état irréprochable et les photos justifie son état actuel.
5/ Carnet d'entretien ajours, révision effectué avant sa mise en vente.
6/ Je dispose de tout les papiers ainsi que carnet en mon nom pour la vente.
7/ Voiture toujours maintenir propre et Disponible sur rendez-vous.
8/ Il n'a aucun problème côté mécanique, ni électronique, Carrosserie Nickel.
9/ Je vous confirme que vous êtes sur une bonne affaire.
10/ C'est bien un Toyota Hilux 171 d-4d vx double cabine??, Année :
2013, 94500 kms, Diesel, Automatique et de Couleur noir.
11/ Alors si toujours intéressé par ma voiture et si les caractéristiques correspond a vos critères, veuillez me donner suite même négatif.
12/ Ci-joint les photos de la voiture en pièce jointe.
Merci bien a vous
1/ Je vous confirme que la voiture est toujours disponible a la vente.
2/ Le prix de vente est bien de 3000 EUR TTC. Je la vends pour cause de non utilisation.
3/ C'est une voiture en très bon état de marche, aucun frais a prévoir.
4/ Elle est dans un état irréprochable et les photos justifie son état actuel.
5/ Carnet d'entretien ajours, révision effectué avant sa mise en vente.
6/ Je dispose de tout les papiers ainsi que carnet en mon nom pour la vente.
7/ Voiture toujours maintenir propre et Disponible sur rendez-vous.
8/ Il n'a aucun problème côté mécanique, ni électronique, Carrosserie Nickel.
9/ Je vous confirme que vous êtes sur une bonne affaire.
10/ C'est bien un Toyota Hilux 171 d-4d vx double cabine??, Année :
2013, 94500 kms, Diesel, Automatique et de Couleur noir.
11/ Alors si toujours intéressé par ma voiture et si les caractéristiques correspond a vos critères, veuillez me donner suite même négatif.
12/ Ci-joint les photos de la voiture en pièce jointe.
Merci bien a vous
Hello Mr,
I thank you for your return. I inform you that I am currently traveling in the North of France and as a result of my unavailability, I had entrusted the sale has mandated, which I give power to sell under support contract home delivery with all his papers. The papers are available and in good standing for the sale and the price is 3000€. I sold it due to non usage and maintenance bills, and child care would be returned to me too expensive.
So if you are always a taker, leave me your delivery information such as first name , last Name , City, Postal Code , Street Such as fixed and Portable so I can put you in direct contact with the conveyor. He will take contact with you so that you can discuss orally to arrange the Appointment for delivery depending on your availability program,which will allow you to see the car, try it out, check his papers and make his purchase at the same time conditions if it suits you but in the event that after tries and all checks, it does not meet your expectations then you can cancel the purchase and the conveyor will return without anything to take home with you as costs. I will accept the return of the latter if it is not attic, not your expectations.
Thank you to answer me
You are available when to receive the conveyor and the car in your home ?
You are in what Country ?
Do you already have the funds in cash for the appointment ?
Thank you to answer me
Then give me your contact information as following : first name, last Name, City, Postal Code, Address , phone Number to put you in contact with the carrier.
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