Montag, 13. Mai 2013

Adresse: PLATEAU,22 rue de la PAIX,Immeuble DELAFOSSE,2 ÉTAGE

Arthur michael Gado
Gado's Chambers & Partners

Phone: 0022505532608
Rue 10 Bietry abidjan 33
Abidjan, NUS 00225
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Back to Attorney ProfileAttorney answers

Hello Sir

I ask you to confirm your address there is no error in the last minute. 

As I told you I was a mandate by the state to perform that work. So there is nothing to pay because I've been paid by the State. 

you only have to bear the cost of transportation of your check so that they be delivered to the address indicated. 

At the refund you are free to believe or not, but I can tell you it is real. you can read the scan of your check attached. 

I'll mail you a check tomorrow morning first thing. if you have any objection please notify me before tomorrow it this way then invite me to lose time. 

Thank you for your understanding. 


I am back from my interview  with the person in charge of the bank. I has to say to you that this interview  was very fruitful because I was able to have of good news but also bad news.

I am going to begin part good news:

- I am going to say to you that you are indeed winners in the second prize of this lottery and your prize is good of 150 000 because the serial number which you transmitted me is very winning.

When I communicated your serial number to the director of the bank. He appealed to the banker in charge of the department of the lottery (Sir Christopher DAMOI). That this my explained that you had to begin the procedure of withdrawal of gain And that he(it) one even proceeded has the sending of your bank card so that you can return in possession of your gain.

But that you have to decide to abandon the procedure because you had doubts on the reality and the credibility it of this lottery, reason for  you refused to pay the 1800-€ sum which was asked you to be able to credit your bank card.

He my so explained as him saw itself in obligation to send you an notice of fence of account to put an end has the procedure of withdrawal of gain. Then your procedure of withdrawal of gain was put suspends it seen that they not always not received documents signed by you.

Bad news:

I has to say to you that you were contacted part of the swindler ( Cyber-criminels) who are at present spent for BRIDGE BANK GROUP by using the person of M Christoher DAMOI. to take away you some money.

Indeed it is addresses electronics: and officials of are not e-mail address BRIDGE BANK GROUP but rather those belonging has these swindlers. They my clearly explained that this lawyer of the name of Barrister. Arthur michael Gado ( Esq) was never affiliated has BRIDGE BANK. and what everything the documents which they you send we sound of the false.

I was also able to set contact with my various contact in the police. They I so confirmed as these various e-mail addresses and  are identified at the level of their files as belonging has cyber-criminals.

I am going to ask you to stop quite e-mail exchanges with these e-mail address unknowns and  to avoid making you have.

The person in charge of BRIDGE BANK GROUP seen the situation my asked to mean you that you can start again contacts with them to provide to take back the procedure of rwithdrawal of your gain if you always wish .

I leave you address and phone number(coordinates) officials of BRIDGE BANNS GROUP so that you are on not to have to deal any more has swindlers:

Address: 01 BP 21005 Abidjan 01 Ivory Coast
TEL: (225) 02268983
Fax: (225) 23000460
Site Web:
E-mail: Alternate E-mail,

I stay has your listening for all your concerns.


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